Saturday, 12 July 2008

Week 2

We have now been here for 2 weeks. It feels much more normal and I feel much more comfortable here. We have been mostly going to the clinic with is an hour to two hours drive away depending how many stops we make on the way! The diver always seems to know someone, have somebody to pick up, something to buy... Then there's the boda boda where you ride on the back of a motorbike. Because girls have to wear skirts we ride sideways which is kinda fun! And then the taxis which they pack so full we are practically sitting on knees!
In the clinic we have mostly been observing and getting used to the common diseases out here. We have been able to go into the lab and work in the pharmacy. My favorite parts have without a doubt been the antenatal care. On that outreach we would go out to villages and palpate pregnant women, take their blood pressure, check for danger signs.... We have also done some home visits (HIV positive households or disabled children households). We have made some good friends here, the people are very friendly.
We are leaving on Monday for an island on lake Victoria. I am really looking forward to that.
All the best to all! Have a great summer!

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